Internet service providers explain what South Africa’s RICA law requires of them
Internet service providers (ISPs) in South Africa must be able to divert a user’s traffic to an “interception point” on-demand as a requirement of RICA,Cybersmart CEO Laurie Fialkov recently told MyBroadband.
The Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act (RICA) was gazetted in 2003 and, after a number of extensions, service providers finally had to fully implement it by June 2011.
Part of the demands RICA places on ISPs, Fialkov added, is that they must be able to see what a user is connecting to, as well as broad classification of what the traffic is.
“For instance we can tell if it is adult content or video streaming or e-mail,” Fialkov said.
This type of interception may only happen when a person in law enforcement receives permission to do so, however.
Fialkov highlighted sections of RICA which specify that only retired judges, or a judge of a High Court not in active service may grant a “direction” to this effect.
This is the only way they are able to inspect a user’s traffic, Fialkov said, as they don’t store any information about which URLs or IPs users connect to.
Laurie Fialkov
Franco Barbalich from Axxess and Derek Hershaw from Mweb reiterated this, saying that they don’t store specific data about their subscriber’s Internet usage.
“At an individual user level we track total usage so that we can apply capping and so on,” explained Hershaw, who is head of Mweb ISP. This is for Mweb’s capped user-base.
Mweb also tracks the network protocols and services that are used by its subscribers at an aggregate level, Hershaw said. This is to do traffic management and shaping.
Asked how this data is stored and who has access, Hershaw said that it is secure.
“We treat it the same way as all our customer information, he said. “In terms of the aggregated data we are referring to here, only a small group of staff who do our traffic management [has access].”
Credit Courtesy of Sherry Turkle Sherry Turkle is a professor of the social studies of science and technology at MIT.
For Valentine’s Day, maybe you’ll post a photo of your loved one on Facebook, tweet out a love poem or text-message your secret crush. But as we make those virtual connections, are we missing something?
Weekend Edition Sunday is exploring a few of the places in our lives where technology can actually drive us apart and make real intimacy tough: in our romantic relationships, with our kids, even in the workplace.
So how did we get here? Sherry Turkle has thought a lot about this. She’s a professor of the social studies of science and technology at MIT. On the one hand, she says, barriers broken online can help people connect with others more deeply. But in hundreds of interviews about communications, the phrase Turkle hears the most is: “I’d rather text than talk.”
“We’re also moving into a world where we’re truncating our communications, making them briefer and briefer, where sometimes we’re willing to sacrifice conversation for mere connection,” she tells Rachel Martin, host of Weekend Edition.
There are benefits to backing off from confrontation, Turkle acknowledges. Some couples use email to fight, giving themselves time to cool down.
“On the other hand, there’s something very useful about learning how to be in a conversation where you have strong feelings and to experience someone else’s anger and your own and to control your feelings but to experience the humanity,” says Turkle, author of Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology And Less from Each Other.
Technology, Turkle says, can be a way of making relationships “less messy.” For example, when a teenager tries to get out of dinner with his grandparents, sending a text is less involved than calling.
“In other words, that sense that someone is waiting for him, that there’s expectations, that there’s human desire and expectation here,” she says. “And that’s what we’re getting out of. We just type, ‘I’m not coming.’ Send.”
Turkle is not arguing that we wistfully look back on the Internet-free days of the past.
“I’m arguing that if you want to put intimate conversation in your life, you need to leave a little space for it,” she says.
“We all get to keep our phones and love our phones, but now that we’re into a more mature use of the technology, we also need to be able to say, ‘For this conversation, we need to talk.’ ”
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Valentine’s Day is coming up this week. Maybe you’ll post a photo of your loved one on Facebook, tweet out a love poem or text message your secret crush. There’s no doubt that our level of connectedness through smartphones and social media has made it a whole lot easier to reach out and touch those we love – at least virtually. But is there a downside to all this connectedness? Throughout the program today, we’re going to explore a few of the places in our lives where technology can actually drive us apart and make real intimacy tough. In our romantic relationships…
ALEXANDRA SAMUEL: I’d like to say we do say hello to each other face to face before we switch on any devices.
MARTIN: …with our kids.
SUE JORDAN: Why do you have this phone, David? Tell me why you don’t have your nice new phone.
DAVID JORDAN: Oh, I left it in my pocket and went down to the laundry room…
JORDAN: …it went in the washer.
MARTIN: …even in the workplace.
SHAYNE HUGHES: Email is this tool that is quite powerful and it’s really embedded in how we do work.
MARTIN: So, how did we get here? Sherry Turkle has thought a lot about this. She’s a professor of social studies of science and technology at MIT, and we asked her if our digital devices make us more or less capable of real communication.
SHERRY TURKLE: Well, the answer to that question is – it’s complicated. So many people have shared with me their stories of how unburdened by bodies, social status, age-height-weight. A certain deeper truth about themselves comes out to another person they’d met online. But at the same time, I think as we live in a culture where increasingly I’d rather text than talk, after interviewing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people about their current communications, that’s the phrase that I get most. We’re also moving into a world where we’re truncating our communications, making them briefer and briefer, where sometimes we’re willing to sacrifice conversation for mere connection.
MARTIN: Isn’t there though an argument that would say, you know, I can fly off the handle in person in one-on-one, face-to-face interactions, especially if it’s over something that’s tense, that’s confrontational, and that maybe it’s beneficial to take a deep breath and write an email, where I can be more deliberate and choose my words carefully.
TURKLE: Yes, absolutely. I’ve interviewed many husbands and wives actually who say that they prefer to do their fighting over email because they can have that cool-down. And that’s an interesting use of the technology. I don’t want to say that inventive people who are self-reflective about can use email constructively. On the other hand, there’s something very useful about learning how to be in a conversation where you have strong feelings and to experience someone else’s anger and your own, and to control your feelings but to experience the humanity…
MARTIN: And the messiness of that.
TURKLE: …and the messiness. And we’re sort of cleaning up human relationships and making them less messy. For example, kids today really don’t know how to apologize. I have a great example of a young boy about 13 who wants to get out of dinner with his grandmother and he wants to just send a message: not coming to dinner – send. And his father says to him – because they live in the same neighborhood – you go over and tell her you’re not coming to dinner, or you at least call. Because when he calls, he’s going to hear the grandmother say, but I’ve put the chicken in the oven. Your grandfather is waiting to hear about what you’re doing at school. In other words, that sense that someone is waiting for him. That there’s expectations, that there’s human desire and expectation here. And that’s what we’re getting out of. We just type: I’m not coming – send.
MARTIN: I mean, we all do that, right? It’s a lot easier to just write an email really quickly and say, sorry, can’t make it.
TURKLE: Exactly. And I think that that’s the kind of thing where we’re sort of taking shortcuts and we’re shortchanging ourselves.
MARTIN: But you’re not arguing that we wistfully look back on years past and a different time. We live in the world we live in with the devices and technology we have and it improves our lives immeasurably in many ways. You’re a busy working mom. I imagine you use technology.
TURKLE: All the time. I’m not arguing any kind of retro position. I’m arguing that if you want to put intimate conversation in your life, you need to leave a little space for it. It is not a luddite thing to say or it is not a retro thing to say. I love texting you. I love keeping in touch with text. But for this conversation, we really need to talk. We all get to keep our phones and love our phones. But now we’re into a more mature use of the technology, we also need to be able to say for this conversation we need to talk.
MARTIN: Sherry Turkle is a professor of social studies of science and technology at MIT. Sherry, thanks so much for talking with us.
TURKLE: My pleasure. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Safer Internet Day (SID), Google SA joined forces with its online child safety campaign partners and hosted online safety workshops for Johannesburg learners and parents to ‘connect with respect’.
Supported by the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund; MXit; Parent’s Corner; Media Monitoring Africa; Childline SA; Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities; Film and Publications Board; Department of Communications; and UNICEF South Africa, the series of SID workshops were held for learners, parents and teachers at Dainfern College. These sessions aimed to equip learners and parents with the right tools and knowledge to prevent children from being exposed to inappropriate content online, and help them to browse the internet safely and responsibly.
Workshops at the event focused on four different topics: ‘Ranking your rights and responsibilities’; ‘Getting to know the online laws’; ‘the Responsible user’s guide to social media’ and ‘Where do you stand regarding responsible internet usage’. The workshops also featured an online quiz, as well as a debate contest.
Government support
“Children are our primary consideration, especially as their exploration of the wide-open world of cyberspace increases; particularly on mobile phones. We are committed to supporting the role of the ICT private sector in protecting youth who have an online presence – we want to see South African children develop into the innovative, creative and critical thinkers of the future. By collaborating with Google on this initiative, we are sure that our intervention will go a long way in the creation of a community of ‘techno-savvy’ citizens who have the knowledge and power to uphold good values and morals online,” comments Stella Tembisa Ndabeni-Abrahams, deputy minister at the Department of Communications.
“With over 8.5 million South Africans currently online (World Wide Worx, 2012) internet safety is a top priority. We launched an Online Child Safety campaign last year, and today are pleased to be including SID in our efforts,” says Google SA country manager, Luke Mckend. “We are partnering once again with a number of government and child protection organisations, jointly promoting the safe use of online space, and protecting children on the internet.”
Online advice on child protection
Google started its Online Child Safety campaign with the launch of the Family Safety Centre website last year, comprising online safety tips and tools from parents at Google. Advice includes how to use the internet properly, keep all online access in a public space and utilise child-safe software that prohibits your family from entering certain sites, or viewing inappropriate content. The site is available in English, Zulu and Afrikaans. Google’s SafeSearch blocks pornographic and explicit content from search results, and the company continuously works with coalitions of law enforcement and technology companies to develop new solutions aimed at eradicating child pornography on the Internet.
Over the last decade, SID has grown rapidly, now spreading to over 90 countries worldwide, including South Africa. The theme for this year’s SID is ‘Online rights and responsibilities’ and the slogan is ‘Connect with respect!’ For more, go to